We make it possible for children to participate and feel included.


When the two founders started the company in 2010, their goal was to make it possible for children suffering from bedwetting to participate in activities involving overnight stays. The solution became Pjama Absorbent Pants and Shorts, which were quickly expanded to include sizes for adults.

The Pjama team grew in 2018, and work began on developing a new and modern solution for treating bedwetting. Just in time for the company’s 10-year anniversary, an entirely new series was launched featuring bedwetting alarms and accompanying smart textiles.

Since then, the company has not only developed top-of-the-line bedwetting alarms with smart textiles but also a complete system to guide patients through the treatment process. This is done via an application (DryGuardians App) on the patient’s phone. The patient logs the results of the nightly treatment in the app, which is then analyzed. Tailored feedback is subsequently presented to the patient throughout the treatment.

About pjama
About pjama

A portal for healthcare professionals has also been developed to easily monitor patients during their treatment. We are proud to offer a complete solution for both protecting the bed and treating bedwetting.

Our Pjama products are designed for the girls, boys, women, and men who suffer from bedwetting. Whether you’re looking for a protective product for the bed or want to treat and stop wetting the bed, Pjama offers high-quality products and services to meet your needs.

Pjama Pants and Shorts

Sizeguide Pjama Pnats and Shorts
Sizeguide Pjama Pants and Shorts

Treatment Underwear

Sizeguide treatment underwear
Sizeguide of treatment underwear

Absorbent Underwear

Sizeguide absorbent underwear
Sizeguide of Absorbent Underwear
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